The Introductio of Bag Dust Collector (Bag Filter):
The Dust Collector is being designed for reliable performance and easy maintenance.The collectors are providing cost-effective dust and fume collection across the industry spectrum.
The GWZ series dust collector includes a full range of units, from collecting dust at single workstations to effectively controlling contaminants from ultra-large industrial operations. With a commitment to excellence at every level, from detailed design to quality manufacture.This dust collectors offers industry an outstanding performer in achieving and surpassing indoor air quality standards.
The Features & Benefits of the Dust Collector :
1.Efficiency. Many industry dust collectors operate with a high level of re-entrainment, meaning that energy and filter life are expended on repeatedly collecting the same dust. Our patented Down Flow Design ensures consistent filtration and efficient dust handling from capture to disposal.
2.Size Availability. Amtech manufactures a full range of capacities for a full range of applications. From the GZW-3, with 6 cartridge filters, to the GZW-128, with 254 cartridges, every GZW Dust Collector is designed for media capacity and optimal filtering velocity to fit the application.
3.High-Performance Cartridges. With a 99% efficiency rating for sub-micron. particulate, extra-large filters are oriented vertically for even dust loading and efficient cleaning.
4.Powerful Cleaning. The patented venturi design optimizes reverse pulse cleaning and increases filter life. With four available methods to initiate the cleaning cycle.Forthermore,every GWZ dust collector is equipped with the cleaning system that best fits the application.
Improved Fan Operation. Venturi and innovative cylindrical housing increases performance, reduces noise, and simplifies maintenance.
Easy Maintenance. Outstanding design features combine to promote long filter life. Easy access allows each filter to be changed out in 1-2 minutes.
5.Space Economy. The GZW-Series Down Flow Dust Collector has a smaller footprint than comparable units of the same CFM.
Rock-Solid Construction. The Cartridge Dust Collectors are built for durability and reliability with heavy gauge steel fabrication, welded seams and joints, tested to assure an air-tight/dust-proof cabinet.